$28.00The history of Jackalope is part reality, part conman! A portmanteau of Jackrabbit and Antelope, the Jackalope is a rabbit with antlers. In the 1930s, Douglas Herrick and his brother, hunters with taxidermy skills, popularized the American jackalope by grafting deer antlers onto a jackrabbit carcass and selling the combination to a local hotel. HOWEVER, the idea behind them isn’t far off from known cases of the Shope papilloma virus, which causes keratinous carcinomas resembling horns, typically on or near the animal’s head.
Our Jackalope is reminiscent of open fields in the western US - green, grey, tan, with some speckles for good measure.
Hattie Floof: 50g, 437 yards, 70% Superkid mohair/30% silk (lace weight)
Chester Sock: 100g, 437 yards, blend of 75% superwash merino/25% nylon
Gladys Shawl: 100g, 438 yards, single ply blend of 70% superwash merino/30% silk
Tortie Sport: 100g, 287 yards, 80% alpaca/20% silk
Minnie DK: 100g, 246 yards, 100% superwash merino wool
Genny Worsted: 100g, 191 yards, 80% superwash merino/20% alpaca
Chubby Trevor: 115g, 136 yards, 100% superwash merino
Chunky Trevor: 150g, 82 yards, 100% superwash merino, single ply