
Hiya! We're a scrappy team of four based in Columbus, Ohio.
Our inspirations for yarns are largely from our state of residence - our chosen home. Most of our team is originally from the South but have ended up in Ohio one way or another and we immediately realized two things: Ohio is not like the South (except when it is...) and Ohio is WEIRD. We don't mean in the craft-brewery-on-every-corner-Keep-Austin/Portland/Asheville-Weird bullshit kind of way. We mean Grandpa's-Cheese-Barn-Hell-is-REAL-Lucky-Cat-Museum-Absolute-Nonsense weird. Weird as in Ohio has always been weird and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
And we love it. Well, usually. It's... a bit of an uphill battle.
Our goal with Dye Mad Yarns it to let people know what we're about. Our personal values to spill into my dye pots, and so you'll see a lot of fundraisers for incredible organizers doing on-the-ground work. We also like to make people laugh, maybe to inspire a visit here, or to pick up a souvenir to remember us by! We want to show that Ohio is worth your time and investment. It has become our home because the people here have made it feel like home. Ultimately, Dye Mad is a love letter to this weird damn state.